Cup of Jo: Making Successful Transitions

Cup of Jo: Making Successful Transitions

In order for any transition (professional or personal) to be successful requires a few important elements. Truly owning the decision to make any change in your life is the starting point. From there it's a journey of iterative learning, occasional laughs to help soften rough patches, and finding effective ways to gather the feedback that becomes invaluable in informing your path. These are just some of the ingredients needed to support your individual growth, ensuring that you reap value in the process, and end up in a position that's better than where you started.

The Other AI: Recharging Your Mind, Body and Career

The Other AI: Recharging Your Mind, Body and Career

I had a wonderful time with Pauline Brown and Paula Oriol on their fun and innovative podcast, “The Other AI” which is all about aesthetic intelligence. Developing aesthetic intelligence is understanding how we perceive the world through all of our senses, and making deliberate choices to increase the delight we experience. On this episode we discussed everything from how play impacts productivity, to healthy ways to get out of a rut, and accessing your authentic self.

Cup of Jo: Permission Granted

Cup of Jo: Permission Granted

Waiting for external validation to pursue what's in alignment with your values won’t make the challenges you come up against any easier. Instead, it delays your learning process along with the deep satisfaction you have to gain from living on your own terms and choosing the potential adventures that interest and excite you. Start by knowing that you have permission to do what feels right for you.

Start Anywhere: Advice For When You're Unsure Of Your Next Move

Start Anywhere: Advice For When You're Unsure Of Your Next Move

In my recently published Forbes article, I talk about how to get started (wherever you are) when you’re unclear about the next move to make. Trust me, I know firsthand what that can feel like and have had my share of unplanned meandering (read the article for those details). Nevertheless, when we remain open and willing to learn from our experiences, we always find ourselves on the right course. From the article:

"I’m a huge believer in the dignity of work, and think that we may have done ourselves a great disservice in overemphasizing the notion that only efforts that resonate with our deepest desires and highest values are worth pursuing."

Cup of Jo: Start Anywhere

Cup of Jo: Start Anywhere

Many of us are paralyzed by the belief that there's a predetermined and perfect set of qualifications or tools needed before we can step into something new. I disagree! Getting started requires you to grant yourself permission and know that you have enough of what you need for those initial steps and whatever else is necessary can be obtained along the way.

Spring Cleaning, Inside and Out

Spring Cleaning, Inside and Out

It’s that time of year - growth and renewal are in the air! Cleaning out things that don’t serve us in order to create needed space or bring in the things that do can be an iterative process. I had a wonderful conversation with my good friend, Gal Yaguri, founder of Balaboste, about how we both accompany our clients during the transitions in seasons and chapters in their lives, assisting the spring cleaning of their physical, mental, and emotional spaces.

GroundTruth Welcomes Joanne Heyman As Board Chair

GroundTruth Welcomes Joanne Heyman As Board Chair

I recently stepped into the role of board chair of The GroundTruth Project. It’s an organization dedicated to supporting the next generation of journalists to do on-the-ground reporting, serving under-covered communities, and advancing sustainability, innovation, and equity in journalism in the U.S. and around the world. This work has never been more needed and I am honored to be part of this exciting future.



In this recent Forbes article, I share my view on how to nurture coaching cultures within organizations. One major way is by asking great questions to enhance performance:

“A coaching culture is the key to enhancing individual and team performance. When leaders and managers ask great questions and coach their staff to get very real and specific about goals, habits, communications styles, and approaches to challenges, they vest in them the responsibility for growth. A coaching mindset unlocks potential, builds confidence, and facilitates the co-creation of the future.”

Cup of Jo: Measuring What Matters

Cup of Jo: Measuring What Matters

Identifying goals, and knowing that we’ve successfully reached them, is highly dependent on how results are measured - which can vary by task, organizational culture, and even individual beliefs. Correctly identifying, and then finding meaningful ways, to keep track of what matters is key to ensuring you're making the right impact.

Getting Curious About Discomfort

Getting Curious About Discomfort

The key to dismantling discomfort is to get curious about it. Most discomfort lives in the moments between actions - it’s where we can listen, feel and get more connected with ourselves. Instead of rushing through those moments and avoiding the discomfort, get curious and ask ourselves why? There’s so much to learn about ourselves and everything to gain.

Cup of Jo: How Do You Know When To Let Go?

Cup of Jo: How Do You Know When To Let Go?

Making a mission possible isn't an exact science. It includes trying things out and sometimes realizing that they don't fit. It's absolutely normal - and expected - to make mistakes or to learn that something served a purpose for a time, but no longer has a place on your journey.

Start the New Year off right by doing a little house cleaning. Take a moment, take stock, and decide if now is the time to let go of what doesn’t serve you and get realigned with what does.

Cup of Jo: Make It Happen By Saying NO

Cup of Jo: Make It Happen By Saying NO

Just say no. It’s easier said than done for some of us, myself included. However, one of our biggest challenges in accomplishing our goals (big and small) tends to be limited capacity and distractions. Making “no” part of an intentional strategy creates space and frees up resources for the things that are most critical while supporting our ability to make better decisions.

Cup of Jo: Bringing A Mission-Driven Lens To Work In Every Sector

Cup of Jo: Bringing A Mission-Driven Lens To Work In Every Sector

Let's take a closer look at the various ways we can put the "mission lens" to use in our work. Now that we understand that mission is a choice - how we want to show up, what we want to give of ourselves, and an affirmation of our values - we can use this energy to lead, create community, and bring our unique best to everything we do.