Leadership Skills

The Many Paths To Knowledge

The Many Paths To Knowledge

Our pool of knowledge is developed and acquired through various channels and over a lifetime. Have you considered that the path through which knowledge comes to us can influence our willingness to adjust, refine or revise it? Ultimately, are you willing to accept that you may have it all wrong in order to correct and adjust your beliefs, and ultimately become “right”?

15 Ways For Business Leaders To Be Accountable For Bad Decisions

15 Ways For Business Leaders To Be Accountable For Bad Decisions

Leaders are responsible for making countless decisions each day that impact the welfare and success of organizations, staff, and the general public. For this reason, it’s important for them to be able to take accountability for their actions (or inactions) that may result in negative consequences. At the heart of leadership is the acknowledgment of our humanity...and the ability to accept mistakes as learning moments (preferably quickly) and self-correct. In this most recent article, I contributed what I believe to be 1 of 15 important ways that leaders can be accountable for bad decisions.

Sustaining Ourselves In The Midst Of Instability

Sustaining Ourselves In The Midst Of Instability

Fear is an interesting emotion in that it stems from our own thoughts. However, the effects on our actions and how we go through our daily lives are very real and tangible. Left unchecked, fear can distort our perspectives in life and leave us paralyzed and unable to move forward. Here are two tips that I find helpful in sustaining myself when I’m in the midst of constant instability and trying to manage the fears that creep in.

Do You Need A Little Leadership Therapy?

Do You Need A Little Leadership Therapy?

We all need help sometimes - leaders, especially. They’re a select group of individuals that we’ve charged with managing resources, inspiring teams, and maintaining the clarity and vision to shape our society. So where do they go to recharge and get support? Learn more right here.