
Rethinking Risk And Our Tolerance For It

Rethinking Risk And Our Tolerance For It

We’re managing an immense amount of risk these days and it’s causing our stress levels to skyrocket. Even with basic practices of mindfulness and stress management, we’re constantly teetering at our trigger points. This is the time to rethink our risk tolerances and adjust them in ways that expand our ability to move through the world with less friction, and ultimately less stress.

Civic Participation in 2020

Civic Participation in 2020

There’s an important day coming right around the corner. As members of a shared society, we have a responsibility to participate in the process of shaping the government that serves us in any way we can. Whether it’s to ensure that we vote in the upcoming election or to help others navigate how to do the same we need to rethink our civic participation.

What Cathedral Are You Building?

What Cathedral Are You Building?

We inherited this world from those that came before us. Although it’s not perfect, we sometimes take for granted the work and investment made by individuals who likely never saw the fruits of their labor. Similarly, we’re faced with the ever-present challenge of meeting the current moment, all the while carrying the sacred responsibility of building for those that will come after us. The overarching question, then, that I continue to ask myself, and that I encourage the leader in all of us to pose is: “If not now when?  If not me, who?” (Hillel)

Necessary Obstacles: Challenges Help Write Your Story

Necessary Obstacles: Challenges Help Write Your Story

I wrote this article for Forbes prior to the coronavirus pandemic, with no foresight of what was to come. It was recently released, and although the article wasn’t intended for the current environment, it may help us reframe how we’re experiencing our challenges today.  Hopefully, you’ll find some helpful tools for learning whatever we can from obstacles – understanding that they are a part of every narrative.  While so much is indeed out of our control, choosing how to respond most effectively in difficult times is a muscle we can all develop.

16 Coaches Share What They Wish They Knew Before Taking On Their First Client

16 Coaches Share What They Wish They Knew Before Taking On Their First Client

Imposter syndrome can affect anyone, even the very individuals that provide you with guidance. In this latest Forbes article, I joined 15 other coaches to share some of what we wished we knew when we started down this career path.

16 Ways To Help A 'Bully' Executive Client Become More Self-Aware

16 Ways To Help A 'Bully' Executive Client Become More Self-Aware

Bullying in the workplace is a regrettably common phenomenon. In a 2017 national survey, 19% of respondents reported being bullied at work, and another 19% have witnessed it firsthand. While some perpetrators may purposely treat others unkindly, others may not even be aware that their words and actions are being viewed as "bullying."

Emerging: What Will Your New World Look Like?

Emerging: What Will Your New World Look Like?

The current environment provides little-to-no certainty about what’s to come, but it does present an opportunity to contemplate and decide what and how we want to emerge. Our decisions and how they reflect our values, our goals, and how (and where) we spend our time are all on display for (re)consideration. Do they support the life we now know we need? Where do we begin to create the world we hope to see?

14 Life Hacks Busy Professionals Use To Optimize Their Time

14 Life Hacks Busy Professionals Use To Optimize Their Time

Everyone has useful little tricks that make them more efficient—think keyboard shortcuts for your everyday life. These "life hacks" can help us work smarter and cope with the stressful demands of our careers.

Culture Shock: What's Getting In The Way Of Your Company's Success And How To Fix It

Culture Shock: What's Getting In The Way Of Your Company's Success And How To Fix It

Culture is everywhere. It’s one of the most foundational elements to building a strong team. More importantly, its alignment with strategy is what matters in your organization’s ultimate success. In this piece, I share my thoughts on how to take the temperature of your company culture, along with some simple advice on how to ensure it’s working for you.

Trying to Narrow Down Your Career Path? Try These 15 Tips

Trying to Narrow Down Your Career Path? Try These 15 Tips

Choosing a career is a major decision. Even if you end up switching careers down the line, the first step you take into the working world will impact the entirety of your professional journey. But as someone with multiple interests, skills and passions, it can be difficult to narrow in on just one career that best represents your goals and dreams.

Loving Leadership

Loving Leadership

With Valentine’s Day just a week away, I’m reminded of all the various ways that I witness love - one, in particular, being in leadership. A great leader is vulnerable, authentic, and in constant service to those around him/her. Leadership is love in action. But we must ensure that space exists for this love to grow and thrive. Here’s how.

Webinar Workshop Series: "OWN IT"

Webinar Workshop Series: "OWN IT"

Are you ready to remove the obstacles and jump-start your journey towards living more fully in your potential? I'm hosting my very first webinar on January 21st for women executives across the country called OWN IT. I invite all of you to join me and this amazing community on the journey to achieving more while being happier now!

Has Your Company Brand Lost Its Luster? Try These 14 Tips

Has Your Company Brand Lost Its Luster? Try These 14 Tips

Brands that have been around for a while can tend to get a bit bogged down and lose their glamor. If a company's brand is a little lackluster, it should consider taking steps to refresh the public's opinion of their business.

New Year. New Decade. No Limits!

New Year. New Decade. No Limits!

The start of a new month, year, and decade have aligned to present a powerful opportunity - for transformational journies to begin and others “in progress” to enter a new phase. I’m starting my year with a commitment to remove the barriers and engage my full potential to become Limitless. How this will look and what will be required is a journey in itself, but here is where I will begin.

A Look Back at a Year of Transitions

A Look Back at a Year of Transitions

We often assume the path towards our goals is a straight line, requiring only focus and hard work. In actuality, it oftentimes consists of twists, turns, and unexpected hurdles and opportunities.  Knowing this, if we can keep an open mind and heart, transitions to a new chapter can be filled with ample space for growth, learning, and joy.

Seven Steps To Helping Clients Better Define Their Goals

Seven Steps To Helping Clients Better Define Their Goals

As a coach, you must first understand your clients' intentions and desires in order to best serve them. If they’re unsure what they wish to achieve, you won’t have a clear goal to guide them toward. So before you start establishing good habits and routines, you need to help them discover what it is that they truly want or need.

Seven Work-Life Balance Tips For The Busy Holiday Season

Seven Work-Life Balance Tips For The Busy Holiday Season

The holiday season is arriving, and for many professionals, it marks the start of the busiest time of the year. Not only do they have personal and family commitments to attend to, but they must balance the year-end needs of their companies, too.