BLABBIT - Turn Disagreements Into Positives

BLABBIT - Turn Disagreements Into Positives

Disagreements or varying perspectives in decision-making don't have to end in an all-out war. In fact, it can be very productive if you commit to achieving the intended outcomes. On this episode of BLABBIT with Paul Geiger and Glen Ingram, we dive into WHY and HOW to embrace disagreements and turn them into positives.

BLABBIT: Living A Mission-Driven Life

BLABBIT: Living A Mission-Driven Life

I had the pleasure of joining Paul Geiger and Glenn Ingram this second time around to discuss something I believe is one of the most important ideas in finding fulfillment and joy throughout our lives - the power of living a mission-driven life. We share insights on why it's important to develop a personal manifesto, how to create consistency as we navigate personal and professional spaces, and managing and learning from the ups and downs that we're sure to encounter along the way.

Whether you're currently a leader, one in the making, or interested in making a difference in your relationships, family, and community, this episode of Blabbit is for you!

BLABBIT: Expert Advice on Developing & Living Your Personal Brand

BLABBIT: Expert Advice on Developing & Living Your Personal Brand

My conversation with Paul Geiger and Glen Ingram yielded a number of great insights about balance, leadership, and personal brand. Most interesting is how all of these come together (integration! - wink, wink) to build the resilience we need to create a full, healthy, and joyful life. Give it a watch!